home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php
- /* $Id: user_password.php,v 2.8 2004/11/24 02:44:49 lem9 Exp $ */
- // vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
- /**
- * Gets some core libraries
- */
- require_once('./libraries/grab_globals.lib.php');
- require_once('./libraries/common.lib.php');
- /**
- * Displays an error message and exits if the user isn't allowed to use this
- * script
- */
- if (!$cfg['ShowChgPassword']) {
- $cfg['ShowChgPassword'] = PMA_DBI_select_db('mysql');
- }
- if ($cfg['Server']['auth_type'] == 'config' || !$cfg['ShowChgPassword']) {
- require_once('./header.inc.php');
- echo '<p><b>' . $strError . '</b></p>' . "\n"
- . '<p> ' . $strNoRights . '</p>' . "\n";
- require_once('./footer.inc.php');
- } // end if
- /**
- * If the "change password" form has been submitted, checks for valid values
- * and submit the query or logout
- */
- if (isset($nopass)) {
- $error_msg = '';
- if ($nopass == 0 && isset($pma_pw) && isset($pma_pw2)) {
- if ($pma_pw != $pma_pw2) {
- $error_msg = $strPasswordNotSame;
- }
- if (empty($pma_pw) || empty($pma_pw2)) {
- $error_msg = $strPasswordEmpty;
- }
- } // end if
- // here $nopass could be == 1
- if (empty($error_msg)) {
- // Defines the url to return to in case of error in the sql statement
- $common_url_query = PMA_generate_common_url();
- $err_url = 'user_password.php?' . $common_url_query;
- $hashing_function = (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 40102 && !empty($pw_hash) && $pw_hash == 'old' ? 'OLD_' : '')
- $sql_query = 'SET password = ' . (($pma_pw == '') ? '\'\'' : $hashing_function . '(\'' . preg_replace('@.@s', '*', $pma_pw) . '\')');
- $local_query = 'SET password = ' . (($pma_pw == '') ? '\'\'' : $hashing_function . '(\'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($pma_pw) . '\')');
- $result = @PMA_DBI_try_query($local_query) or PMA_mysqlDie(PMA_DBI_getError(), $sql_query, FALSE, $err_url);
- // Changes password cookie if required
- // Duration = till the browser is closed for password (we don't want this to be saved)
- if ($cfg['Server']['auth_type'] == 'cookie') {
- setcookie('pma_cookie_password-' . $server,
- PMA_blowfish_encrypt($pma_pw,
- $GLOBALS['cfg']['blowfish_secret'] . $GLOBALS['current_time']),
- 0,
- $GLOBALS['cookie_path'], '',
- $GLOBALS['is_https']);
- } // end if
- // For http auth. mode, the "back" link will also enforce new
- // authentication
- $http_logout = ($cfg['Server']['auth_type'] == 'http')
- ? '&old_usr=relog'
- : '';
- // Displays the page
- require_once('./header.inc.php');
- echo '<h1>' . $strChangePassword . '</h1>' . "\n\n";
- $show_query = 'y';
- PMA_showMessage($strUpdateProfileMessage);
- ?>
- <a href="index.php?<?php echo $common_url_query . $http_logout; ?>" target="_parent">
- <b><?php echo $strBack; ?></b></a>
- <?php
- exit();
- } // end if
- } // end if
- /**
- * If the "change password" form hasn't been submitted or the values submitted
- * aren't valid -> displays the form
- */
- // Loads the headers
- $js_to_run = 'user_password.js';
- require_once('./header.inc.php');
- echo '<h1>' . $strChangePassword . '</h1>' . "\n\n";
- // Displays an error message if required
- if (!empty($error_msg)) {
- echo '<p><b>' . $strError . ': ' . $error_msg . '</b></p>' . "\n";
- }
- // loic1: autocomplete feature of IE kills the "onchange" event handler and it
- // must be replaced by the "onpropertychange" one in this case
- $chg_evt_handler = (PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'IE' && PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER >= 5)
- ? 'onpropertychange'
- : 'onchange';
- // Displays the form
- ?>
- <form method="post" action="./user_password.php" name="chgPassword" onsubmit="return checkPassword(this)">
- <?php echo PMA_generate_common_hidden_inputs(); ?>
- <table border="0">
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <input type="radio" name="nopass" value="1" onclick="pma_pw.value = ''; pma_pw2.value = ''; this.checked = true" />
- <?php echo $GLOBALS['strNoPassword'] . "\n"; ?>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <input type="radio" name="nopass" value="0" checked="checked " />
- <?php echo $GLOBALS['strPassword']; ?>:
- </td>
- <td>
- <input type="password" name="pma_pw" size="10" class="textfield" <?php echo $chg_evt_handler; ?>="nopass[1].checked = true" />
- <?php echo $GLOBALS['strReType']; ?>:
- <input type="password" name="pma_pw2" size="10" class="textfield" <?php echo $chg_evt_handler; ?>="nopass[1].checked = true" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?php
- if (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 40102) {
- ?>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <?php echo $strPasswordHashing; ?>:
- </td>
- <td>
- <input type="radio" name="pw_hash" id="radio_pw_hash_new" value="new" checked="checked" />
- <label for="radio_pw_hash_new">
- MySQL 4.1
- </label>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td> </td>
- <td>
- <input type="radio" name="pw_hash" id="radio_pw_hash_old" value="old" />
- <label for="radio_pw_hash_old">
- <?php echo $strCompatibleHashing; ?>
- </label>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?php
- }
- ?>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2"> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <input type="submit" value="<?php echo($strChange); ?>" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form>
- <?php
- /**
- * Displays the footer
- */
- require_once('./footer.inc.php');
- ?>